Digital Photography 101
January 23, 30, February 6, 13
Members: $150 | Non-Members: $200
Instructed by Steve Randon, this 4 week course will teach you the basics of using your digital camera and creating images. We will start by identifying your camera and its basic functions. You will then learn how to properly expose an image using aperture, shutter speed, and ISO as well as the characteristics of these controls and how they translate visually. We will examine and practice the elements of composition as they pertain to photography, and learn to create compelling and aesthetically pleasing images.
Camera - needs to be a digital camera (no film!), SLR is encouraged, but not necessary. Cell phone cameras are not sufficient for this class. Having RAW capability is nice but not essential.
Laptop/tablet – photo editing software is ideal. We will discuss options for Photoshop. iPhoto can be used if Photoshop is not an option. All work will be shared digitally with the exception of the final project.
Digital Storage – an external hard drive, thumb drive, or online storage. Wifi is available.
Photography is learned best by doing. Practice practice practice. Shoot 100 pictures or more per week. Come with questions often.
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