this 5-week course is held wednesday, january 15th, 22nd, 29th,
& february 5th & 12th
from 1pm to 4pm


Join STAA and Zona for “Part 2” of her popular Abstract Mixed-Media Workshop! In their Beginner’s course, students learned about the formal elements of design and discovering their artistic voices. Now, put these skills to use and continue your education with Zona by going deeper into your abstract expression as an artist. Zona will guide you in blind contour drawing, spontaneous line drawings, observational painting, and composition investigation. Explore these new skills and work intuitively to find your natural “mark” as an artist. Students will learn what it means to create a cohesive series as they complete paintings throughout the course.

Abstract Mixed-Media II - 1/2025

The full price of this course is $400. Students will pay an initial reservation fee of $200 at this time. The remaining $200 is due a the start of the course.

Beginning Abstract Mixed-Media with Zona Wainwright is a required prerequisite to this course!
Limited availability, so sign up today!
Students are responsible for certain supplies.
Minimum Age: 18
Location: 320 N. Columbia St. in Downtown Covington


An endless melting and blending of natural colors into undefined forms that please the eye and tantalize the viewer's ability at interpretation, Zona Wainwright's work concentrates on the abstract.  
"My thirst for training and education has culminated in my progression to that of instructor of abstract art at the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts. However, I continue to seek exposure to diverse styles and methodology by wearing two hats, that of instructor and that of student. I continue to expand my appreciation for the arts by balancing knowledge already gained with exposure to the talents of my peers." 
Zona Wainwright is a life-long resident of the New Orleans area and began her painting career relatively later in life. She made up for the lost time, however, by extensive study at the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts, at several other local art institutions, training workshops and seminars, both locally and nationally. 
Concentrating on abstract painting, she has refined her art to mirror patterns in architecture and nature with a seemingly endless blending of natural colors into undefined forms, leaving any definitive description of what is viewed to the imagination. She has exhibited in several local galleries and venues.